Initiation of cooperation with Dakewe China which specializes in Pathological Anatomy machines
Certification of our company according to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) in order to reduce the environmental impact of our operations and assure our commitment to pollution prevention and compliance with applicable legislation.
Start of collaboration and exclusive distribution of Especialidades Medicas Myr, SL, a company specialized in anatomical pathology instruments
KALLIFRONAS SA launches the new updated company website
The merger by acquisition of the sole proprietorship “MICHAIL A. KALLIFRONAS” by KALLIFRONAS S.A. was completed with the announcement of GEMI No. 62448 / 29.12.2016.
New PharmDx kits from Dako – Agilent Pathology Solutions for th diagnostic testing of PDL-1 antigen clones 22C3 & 28-8.
New Advanced Staining Platform Dako Omnis.
Dako releases new primary antibodies ERG and MUC2.
New antibodies from Dako company for bowel panel MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2.